Composition of the National Broadcasting Council

Witold Kołodziejski (appointed by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland on 22 July 2016) – Chairman

Teresa Bochwic (appointed by the Senat of the Republic of Poland on 22 July 2016) – Deputy Chairman

Janusz Kawecki (appointed by the President of the Republic of Poland on 12 September 2016) – Member

Andrzej Sabatowski (appointed by the President of the Republic of Poland on 12 September 2016) – Member

Elżbieta Więcławska-Sauk (appointed by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland on 22 July 2016) – Member


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The National Broadcasting Council's Office

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tel: ( 48 22) 597 3000, fax (48 22) 597 3180

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