KRRiT - Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji
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KRRiT considers the low assessment of media freedom in the Freedom House report (“Freedom and the Media 2019”), as well as the marked fall in Poland’s position in the global ranking of freedom of ex.pression compiled by Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans Frontières), to be unfounded.
Within the framework of the Polish Telemetry Project, a conference was held at the Warsaw School of Economics on 26 February 2020 which presented the tests of measuring devices performed by the National Institute of Telecommunications – State Research Institute and also the research experiments carried out by the Institute of Statistics and Demography of the Warsaw School of Economics.
As part of the Telemetry Poland project – single-source telemetric research on TV, radio and the internet – 22 October 2019, the Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council has signed an agreement with the Institute of Communications of the National Research Institute on implementing research and development works.
During a special event at the Economic Forum in Krynica, hosted by Witold Kołodziejski, the Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council, announced the launch of a single-source measurement of the media.
During a plenary session on 3 July 2019, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland accepted the Report on the activity of the National Broadcasting Council in 2018, along with the Information on the basic problems faced by the broadcasting industry.
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