ICT operators and broadcasters

Pursuant to Art. 41. section 1 of the Act on television and radio broadcasting dated 29 December 1992 (Journal of Laws of 2011 No. 43, item 226 as amended), the following programmes need to be registered:
1) any distributed programme;
2) any TV programme diffused via the ICT system only.

Pursuant to Art. 41 section 2 of the Act on television and radio broadcasting, the registration obligation does not apply to the following programmes:
- Telewizja Polska 1;
- Telewizja Polska 2;
- any regional television programme distributed by Telewizja Polska S.A. – for an operator distributing programmes via telecommunication networks other than those used for terrestrial broadcast or satellite broadcast of the regional television programme relevant for the specific area;
- programmes distributed on the day of enforcement of the Act on terrestrial digital television, dated 30 June 2011 (Journal of Laws of 2011, No. 153, item 903), under a concession for the distribution of those programmes by means of terrestrial analogue broadcast by Telewizja Polsat S.A., TVN S.A., Polskie Media S.A., Telewizja Puls Sp. z o.o.

The Chairman of the KRRiT keeps the register.

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The National Broadcasting Council's Office

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tel: ( 48 22) 597 3000, fax (48 22) 597 3180

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