The Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council signs an agreement with the Institute of Telecommunications

As part of the Telemetry Poland project – single-source telemetric research on TV, radio and the internet – 22 October 2019, the Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council has signed an agreement with the Institute of Communications of the National Research Institute on implementing research and development works.
The agreement with the Institute of Communications covers research into media consumption preferences on a small-scale model of a telemetric panel built on the basis of nearly 2000 households, as well as additional experiments in the area of:

•    testing the effectiveness of recruitment and maintenance methods;

•    research into new types of telemetric devices available on the market;

•    the possibilities of automating the measurement of consumption of content available in IP networks;

•    searching for solutions for recruitment effectiveness;

•    the possibilities of integrating data from various types of research panels;

•    the possibilities of automating the monitoring of programme content.

Value of the agreement – PLN 93 million.


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