Fees for using r/tv sets



For using R/TV sets


Radio set

TV or TV & radio set

For one month

PLN 7.00

PLN 22.70

For two months

PLN 13.60

PLN 44.05

For three months

PLN 20.15

PLN 65.35

For six months

PLN 39.90

PLN 129.40


PLN 75.60

PLN 245.15


The subscription fee should be paid in advance on or before the 25th of the first month for the concerned period.

It means that a subscriber paying the fee on the 25th day of the month fulfils the statutory obligation in a timely manner. It is the day on which the subscriber makes the payment that is valid rather than the day on which the bank account of Poczta Polska S.A. is credited. If the fee paid by a subscriber on the 25th day of the month is received in the account on the 26th or on the 27th, the post office may not calculate default interest thereon.


The subscription fees for using radio and television sets are collected in order to enable the public radio and television broadcasting entities to pursue their public mission.

Radio and television sets should be registered at a post office within 14 days of the subscriber coming into their possession.

The proof of registration of a radio or television set shall be:

·       the application for registration of radio/television sets

·       notice of issuance of an individual ID number for the radio/television set user.

Subscription fees shall be paid by means of:

·       personalised paying-in slips received by mail,

·       standardized paying-in slips for payment into a bank account, generally available in post offices.

The radio & television subscription fee may be paid at all post offices without additional charge. Payments can be made also via other financial institutions and via the Internet.

Payments in respect of the radio & TV subscription fee shall be made to a bank account number that contains the individual ID number of the subscriber.

Any questions concerning determination of the bank account number, the individual ID number of the subscriber, the period and amount of outstanding subscription fee payments and obtaining the paying-in slips should be addressed to the e-mail of Poczta Polska S.A.: abonament_rtv@bydgoszcz.poczta-polska.pl. The information on the above matters can be found on the Poczta Polska’s website: www.poczta-polska.pl/Abonament RTV.

Natural persons shall pay a single fee per month (radio or radio & television fee) irrespective of the number of r/tv sets in the household or in the car.

A single subscription fee, irrespective of the number of r/tv sets used, shall be also paid by: public healthcare institutions, sanatoria, nurseries, public and non-public organisational units of the education system, state-owned and non-state-owned colleges and nursing homes – in the same building, a complex of buildings or in cars used by them.

Companies and institutions shall pay the subscription fee for each radio and television set.

More information on registration of r/tv sets, the fee payment procedure and the amount can be found on the Poczta Polska’s website: www.rtv.poczta-polska.pl




Persons eligible for exemption from the subscription fees include, but are not limited to:

·       persons over 75 years of age,

·       persons qualified as disabled under the I disability group,

·       veterans who suffer from war inflicted injuries or army related disabilities,

·       persons who are 60 years of age and are eligible for a retirement pension where such pension does not exceed 50% of the average monthly salary.

The full list of exempted persons is provided in the table (beginning on page 5) in the Information on R/TV Subscription Fee: download document.

In order to qualify for exemption, persons eligible for the exemption from the subscription fees shall present documents confirming their eligibility at the post office along with a relevant statement (download the statement template).

The subscription fee exemption shall be valid as of the first day of the month following the one in which the formalities were settled at the post office.

More information: Information on R/TV Subscription Fee – legal basis, amount and the procedure and method of payment, exemptions and allowances in subscription fees (download document).


Pursuant to the Subscription Fees Act, the National Broadcasting Council, upon request of the debtor subscriber, may, in exceptional cases where specific social circumstances or acts of God justify such a decision, cancel or spread overdue subscription fees into instalments.

Subscription fees infoline: 22 597-31-01

The Budget and Finance Department at the KRRiT’s Office does not reply to any correspondence sent via e-mail which does not contain personal details of the sender, i.e. name, surname and address for service.

Any communication re. subscription fees in respect of using radio and television sets, allowances and exemptions from such fees as well as applications for cancellation or spreading any overdue r/tv subscription fees into instalments should be addressed to:

Office of the National Broadcasting Council
Budget and Finance Department
Skwer Kard. S. Wyszyńskiego 9
01-015 WARSAW

Subscribers applying for cancellation or spreading overdue amounts by e-mail, will be asked to send the application by mail.

Subscriber inquiry form


The Council does not have a record of r/tv subscribers. Therefore, in order to determine the ID number, the bank account number, the overdue amounts, the period for which such amounts are overdue, the date of registration and deregistration of r/tv sets and dates of sending reminders regarding such overdue amounts, Poczta Polska S. A. R/TV Subscription Fee Department in Bydgoszcz should be contacted:

·       tel. (+48) 43 842 06 06 (charge in line with your Operator’s price list)

·       or by e-mail: rtv.eod@poczta-polska.pl.

Complaints and requests concerning the r/tv subscription fee services of Poczta Polska S.A. may be submitted:

- in writing to: Poczta Polska S.A. Head Office ul. Stawki 2, 00-940 Warsaw,

- orally for the record, at the Company’s Head Office room 3.2.21, on each business day at 8:00 - 16:00, Tuesdays until 17:00,

- by e-mail to: skargi@centrala.poczta-polska.pl,

- by fax to the Risk Management and Compliance Department at the Head Office of Poczta Polska S.A., to: 22-656-59-18 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting22-656-59-18end_of_the_skype_highlighting.



1.     Information on R/TV Subscription Fee – legal basis, amount and the procedure and method of payment, exemptions and allowances applied with respect to subscription fees (download document)

2.     Information on receiving and processing applications for cancellation or spreading of overdue subscription fees into instalments (download document)

3.     Subscription Fees Act of 21 April 2005 (download document)

4.     KRRiT’s Regulations on subscription fees (more)

5.     Information on documenting expenditures from the subscription fees paid in respect of the r/tv sets (download document)

6. Council's Chairman Communication


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The National Broadcasting Council's Office

Skwer kard. S. Wyszyńskiego 9, 01-015 Warsaw, Poland
tel: ( 48 22) 597 3000, fax (48 22) 597 3180

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