Tasks and goals of the National Broadcasting Council

The Broadcasting Act of December 29, 1992 defines the National Broadcasting Council as a supreme state body charged with broadcasting matters and sets forth the tasks to be implemented by the Council and as well as the legal instruments it may apply. The main task of the Council is to protect:

  • freedom of speech and broadcaster independence,
  • interests of viewers and listeners,
  • open and pluralistic character of radio and television.

The Council’s other tasks are to:

  • map out the directions of the state policy in the broadcasting area (in consultation with the Prime Minister),
  • develop the conditions to be met by broadcasters in their activities,
  • control broadcasters' activity within the framework of the law,
  • commission studies of the contents and reception of radio and television programmes,
  • propose scientific and technical improvements and personnel training,
  • set subscription fees, license charges and registration fees,
  • issue opinions on draft legislative acts and international agreements concerning broadcasting,
  • initiate and develop foreign relations in the field of broadcasting,
  • cooperate with relevant organizations and institutions in the area of copyright and the rights of performers, producers and broadcasters of radio and television programmes.

The implementation of the foregoing tasks is possible owing to, i.a.:

  • the authority to grant radio and television broadcasting licenses,
  • the right to interfere with the shape of radio and television programmes broadcast by Polish and foreign producers, sponsored broadcasts and commercials, broadcasts for children and youth, and in the case of public radio and television programmes, as regards their coverage of the supreme state organs, political parties, trade unions and with the broadcasts prepared by local stations,
  • the status enjoyed by the Council’s members which, on the one hand, make sit considerably difficult to recall them and, on the other hand, makes it necessary for them to suspend their membership in political parties and authorities of social organizations and prohibits any business activity.

The Chairman of the National Council is authorized to:

  • order (pursuant to the Council’s resolution) that the broadcasting of programmes that violate the law be discontinued,
  • require from a broadcaster all materials necessary to assess programmes as to their compatibility with the applicable law,
  • fine a broadcaster or its owners in the event of any violations of the law or should it refuse to carry out the decisions taken by the Council’s Chairman in the form of valid resolutions,
  • allocate (in cooperation with the President of the Office of Electronic Communications) frequencies to public radio and television companies.

The rules of Council's activity

In its activities the National Council is guided by the following principles:

  • collegiate work based on professional distribution of responsibilities and authority among all its members,
  • openness attained by means of regular public presentations of problems addressed by the Council and public hearings of individuals and entities applying for licenses,
  • independent operations and adoption of the solutions in accordance with the law, devoid of any illegal and unprofessional pressure,
  • cooperation with other state bodies and coming forth with the proposals of joint operations in broadcasting and planning of the state policy in that area,
  • democracy and pluralism, as well as the development of protection of radio and television by ensuring broadcaster independence.


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The National Broadcasting Council's Office

Skwer kard. S. Wyszyńskiego 9, 01-015 Warsaw, Poland
tel: ( 48 22) 597 3000, fax (48 22) 597 3180

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