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At a meeting on 26 January 2016, the National Broadcasting Council adopted a Standpoint on the quality and means of preparation of subtitles for hearing impaired persons in audiovisual programmes
The National Broadcasting Council would like to once again call attention to a violation of the principles of autonomy, pluralism and independence of public media stipulated in both the Constitutional Tribunal's judgement as well as in numerous documents of the Council of Europe (including the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers) and the European Parliament.
The National Broadcasting Council on 13 January 2016 has received a statement from CIRCOM Regional's statement about the current TVP situation in Poland.
All EU Member States have committed themselves to abide by the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, including by respecting the freedom and pluralism of the media. Any restrictions of that freedom risk undermining the independence of media. An independent media is the cornerstone of our European democracies, enabling citizens to form their own opinions and not be steered in one way or another by any stakeholder, including the state.
On 7 January 2016, the Act of 30 December 2015 amending the Broadcasting Act was published in the Journal of Laws.
The Act does not provide for vacatio legis, and the new regulations come into force on 8 January 2016, i.e. the day after the announcement in the Journal of Laws, and shall become ineffective on 30 June 2016.
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