KRRiT - Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji
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News list
At its meeting held on 5 July 2013, the National Broadcasting Council adopted resolutions on awarding two broadcasting licences for the transmission of television programme services by digital terrestrial diffusion using the first multiplex signal (MUX-1).
On 17th June, the Royal Castle in Warsaw hosted the ceremony of the 20th anniversary of adopting the Broadcasting Act. The National Broadcasting Council has started its operation twenty years ago.
On the 5th of June 2013, TVP SA, Telewizja POLSAT, Telewizja TVN, Telewizja PULS, Polskie Media (TV4), ATM Grupa SA, Stavka Sp. z o.o. signed an agreement concerning aids in TV programmes for visually impaired and hearing impaired persons.
As of 1 January 2014, the fee for a radio set will be PLN 5.90 per month, and the fee for a TV set or for radio and TV sets - PLN 19.30 per month.
Following the statutory rule of protecting the interests of the audience, the National Broadcasting Council recognises the fact that the one-sided changes made in contracts with subscribers of Canal+Cyfrowy and ITI Neovision after the merger of their respective platforms Cyfra + and n, have failed to consider the needs of the audience and the social expectations in terms of availability of the pluralistic content carried by the electronic media.
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