LIcence cancellation procedure – pending procedures

Number and contents of Resolution


Resolution No. 366/2011 of 5 July 2011 on instituting the licence cancellation procedure re. Licence no. TK-0023/06 dated 13 July 2006, against Adam Tadeusz Buchowski domiciled in Lębork, for the distribution of TV programme “Telewizja Lębork” via the cable television network in Łeba

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Resolution No. 61/2011 of 8 February 2011 on instituting the licence cancellation procedure re. Licence no. 392/2008-R, issued to HOBBY Sp. z o.o. with its registered office Legionowo, for the distribution of radio programme “Radio Hobby” from a broadcasting stationlocalized inLegionowo

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Resolution No. 44/2010 of 16 February 2010 on instituting the licence cancellation procedure re. Licence no. 150/P/2003-R dated 1 October 2003, awarded to the University of Zielona Góra with its registered office in Zielona Góra, for the distribution of radio programme “Akademickie Radio INDEX”

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RESOLUTION No. 425/2009 of 13 October 2009 on instituting the licence cancellation procedure re. Licence no. 336/2006-R dated 27 June 2006, awarded to “Polskie Fale Średnie” S.A. with its registered office in Krakow, for the distribution of radio programme “Radio AM Kraśnik”

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RESOLUTION No. 228/2008 of 13 May 2008 on instituting the licence cancellation procedure re. Licence no. 348/2006-R dated 15 November 2006, awarded to “Polskie Fale Średnie” S.A. with its registered office in Krakow, for the distribution of radio programme “Twoje Radio Stalowa Wola”

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RESOLUTION No. 216/2008 of 13 May 2008 on instituting the licence cancellation procedure re. Licence no. 271/2001-R dated 16 October 2001, awarded to “Polskie Fale Średnie” S.A. with its registered office in Krakow, for the distribution of radio programme “Twoje Radio Bolesławiec” earmarked for reception by the public

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RESOLUTION No. 024/2007 of 23 January 2007 on instituting the licence cancellation procedure re. Licence no. TK-0028/05 dated 5 July 2005, awarded to Stowarzyszenie Sadyba with its registered office in Warsaw, for the distribution of a television programme via the cable television network

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