Licence cancellation procedure – completed procedures


Number and contents of Resolution

Procedure completion result

Resolution No. 60/2012 of 13 March 2012 on instituting the licence cancellation procedure re. Licence no. 468/2011-T dated 25 February 2011, awarded to ATM Grupa S.A. with its registered officein Bielany Wrocławskie, for the distribution of television programme “ATM ROZRYWKA TV”

download document

Resolution No. 239/2012 of 10 July 2012 on discontinuance of the licence cancellation procedure re. Licence no. 468/2011-T dated 25 February 2011, awarded to ATM Grupa S.A. with its registered office in Bielany Wrocławskie, for the distribution of television programme “ATM ROZRYWKA TV”.

download document

2011 and earlier (polish website - link opens in new window)


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