The European Union

The National Broadcasting Council of Poland (KRRiT) has been cooperating with the EU institutions since the beginning.

Prior to the Polish accession to the EU (2002-2004) KRRiT together with French DDM (Directorate for Media Development) took part in twinning project. The twinning was aimed at finalising the transposition of the “Television Without Frontiers” Directive into Polish law and, more broadly, at building foundations for future national audiovisual policy, in the context of the move to digital technology and convergence. It also included a series of objectives regarding KRRiT itself: enhancing its organisation, training its staff and updating its computer equipment. The project was partly financed by Phare fund.

Currently KRRiT closely cooperates with the European Commission on different forums i.a. Contact Committee of the "Television without Frontiers” Directive, Working Group of the Audiovisual Media Service Regulatory Authorities, Audiovisual Working Party.


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The National Broadcasting Council's Office

Skwer kard. S. Wyszyńskiego 9, 01-015 Warsaw, Poland
tel: ( 48 22) 597 3000, fax (48 22) 597 3180

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