Polish Sejm accepts NBC Annual Report for 2016

On the 22nd of June 2017, the Polish Sejm accepted the Annual Report of the National Broadcasting Council for 2016. 434 members of parliament took part in the voting, with 224 voting in favour of acceptance, 206 against, and 4 abstentions.
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2016 was a year of changes for the NBC; the 6-year term of the previous Council ended, having been presided over by Jan Dworak, while on the 12th of September 2016, a new term began under the leadership of Witold Kołodziejski.  
The NBC’s Annual Report for 2016 provides information on how the statutory aims of the NBC have been achieved, including information on concessions proceedings, monitoring of broadcasters’ operations, distribution of subscription fees, international cooperation, and issuing resolutions as the executive body of relevant legislation.
Link to NBC 2016 Annual Report
Information on the basic problems of radio and television broadcasting is presented through an analysis of phenomena and current trends in the audiovisual market.  
Link to NBC Information on the basic problems of radio and television broadcasting


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