National Broadcasting Council co-organiser of international seminar
The seminar, entitled The Role of Media Education in the New Media Landscape, was organised in collaboration with the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO) as part of Poland’s presidency of the organisation Novotel Hotel.
The EAO has been in operation since 1992. Currently, it comprises 41 countries, as well as the European Union represented by the European Commission. Its core operations involve the comprehensive monitoring of the audiovisual industry and markets in Europe (
Poland has been represented in the Observatory since 1996 by Ms. Halina Rostek, of the Strategy Department of the NBC, who currently holds the Chair of the Executive Council of the EAO during Poland’s presidency of the organization.
This year’s seminar is a part of the 25th anniversary of the European Audiovisual Observatory, and also marks the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Broadcasting Act in Poland.
Sessions consisted of two parts:
The first part included an introductory session in which spoke the following persons: Susanne Nikoltchev, Executive Director of the EAO, Gilles Fontaine, Head of the Department for Market Information, Maja Cappello, Head of the Department for Legal Information, and Ewa Murawska-Najmiec, an expert of the Strategy Department of the NBC.
The presentations illustrated changing trends in how content is accessed in the digital era based on the example of video contents, a report on the media education operations of 28 EU countries prepared by the EAO at the request of the European Commission, and on the media education operations of the NBC over the last 17 years.
The second part concerned specific actions in terms of media education based on the example of three countries, Finland, Hungary, and Morocco. Leo Pekkala of the Finnish Society for Media Education presented an overview of projects implemented by the Society, governmental bodies, NGOs, and the educational system.
György Ocskó of the Hungarian regulatory body, the National Media and Infocommunication Authority, presented a very interesting project implemented by the “Magic Valley” Media Literacy and Education Centre, in which school-aged children can become familiar with the methods of creating news broadcasts, advertisements, learn about radio and TV journalism, the Internet, and film in a practical way during topical workshops.
Jamal Eddine Naji, of the audiovisual regulatory body HACA in Morocco, presented the strategy of this institution for media education in collaboration with international organisations (UNESCO), broadcasters, and NGOs.
The closing of the seminar was presided over by the representative of the European Commission, Ms. Anni Hellman of DG Connect, who presented an overview of the European Commission’s operations to promote media education as a supplementary element of European and national legal regulations.