Act on the National Media Council enters into force

The Act of June 22 2016 on the National Media Council was published in the Journal of Laws on 29 June 2016. The Act enters into force on 7 July 2016.
The Act stipulates the rules for and means of appointing the National Media Council as well as its duties, competences and organisation. The National Media Council is to appoint the management and supervisory boards for Telewizja Polska, Polskie Radio, 17 regional Polskie Radio broadcasting stations and the Polish Press Agency, among others. It will also appoint the advisory boards for public radio and television. Amendments to the statutes of these organisations may be made by application to the Council or based on its prior consent.
The duties assigned to the National Media Council were among the competencies of the Minister of the Treasury for the past half year, and had previously been the responsibility of the National Broadcasting Council and the organisations’ supervisory boards.
The National Media Council will be comprised of five members. Three shall be appointed by the Sejm, and two by the President of the Republic of Poland. The Council’s members are to serve six-year terms.
Act on the National Media Council


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