For VOD providers

Tags: vod
On the 16th of May, a self-logging platform to the Council’s list was launched for providers of on-demand audiovisual media services (VOD) on the Council’s website in section ‘For Broadcasters and Operators’ under tab “VOD Providers”.

The disclosure of information by any on-demand audiovisual media service provider is entirely voluntary, and its aim is to facilitate mutual communication between the council and service providers.

In the light of the applicable law, offering on-demand audiovisual media services does not require registration in any register or any other authorization for this kind of activity from the Council. However, the Council is obliged to identify providers of on-demand audiovisual media services in order to enforce the obligations resulting from Chapter 6a of the Broadcasting Act dated 29 December 1992 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2011, No. 43, item 226 as amended).


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