Protection of minors in VOD services

On 13 February 2013, the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland published Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of 5 February 2013 on the detailed rules of protecting minors in on-demand audiovisual media services (Journal of Laws item 209).The Regulation lays down the conditions and label types for programmes according to the degree of their harmful impact on the development of minors as well as specimen of graphic symbols which should be used to label the programmes.
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Earlier, the National Broadcasting Council consulted the draft regulation, two appendices and justification to them by means of social consultations.

The consultations were announced on 17 January 2013, and continued until 1 February 2013. They were open and addressed to the audience and players of the media service market including the on-demand audiovisual services market. Economic self-government organisations, the on-demand media services provider and natural persons participated in the consultations.

Having regard to the special nature of on-demand audiovisual media services, the Council, unlike in the case of requirements on the graphic labelling of programmes and other broadcast messages in linear services, reduced the number of age groups to four.

The Council’s Regulation comes into force on 28 February along with the act of 12 October 2012 amending the Broadcasting Act, which introduces regulations concerning on-demand audiovisual media services to Polish law.


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